Happy Navratri.

The festival of Navratri begins with the worship of the form of Goddess Durga, which is Mata Shailputri- the daughter of the mountains.

The day is associated with yellow colour which is said to bring brightness, happiness, and cheer in our lives.

Shailputri symbolises Mother nature.

Today the first day is associated with yellow colour which is said to bring brightness, happiness, and cheer in our lives.

On this day, yellow colour is considered auspicious as it stands for brightness and happiness.

Let’s contribute yellow colour not only to the outside of the body by wearing coloured clothes but also incorporating it in your eating habbits can help you feel good from inside.

Sapre foods has a range of yellow foods – snacks and sweets just for you !

Grab them and the body will praise you.

1.Motichoor laddu – delicious laddu for everyone.

2. Poha chivda – Crunchy tea time snack.

3.Mysore pak – mouth melting experience.

Order these delicious and healthy food items from www.saprefoods.com  


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