Coconuts have slowly become a very hot and versatile food commodity. They are being used in everything from our daily cuisine to our beauty regimens.  

Not too long ago, coconuts had a bad reputation as being an artery-clogging, cholesterol-packed food that contributed to heart disease.

Today, however, the coconut is making a huge comeback as the new miracle food.  

Coconuts are highly nutritious, rich in fiber, and packed with essential vitamins and minerals.

From culinary creations to magic beauty potions, coconuts pack a good punch.

What is it about this exotic food that continues to tantalize and intimidate us at the same time? Let’s explore more of the amazing health benefits of coconut and what they have to offer.  

1.     Provides Good Fats :

 Despite its natural healing wonders, a lot of people are still confused as to whether or not coconut oil is good for our health because of its high content of saturated fats. But these fats are are important because the body converts them more easily into energy that it can use quickly, compared with other sources of fat.  

2. Contains powerful antioxidants :

 Furthermore, the soft meat or flesh, inside the coconut helps to restore oxidative tissue damage and contains a source of healthy fats, proteins, and various vitamins and minerals.  

3. Aids in Weight Loss :

 Although coconut oil is saturated fat, it is unlike the high-calorie, cholesterol-soaked, long-chain saturated fat. It is rich in a medium-chain fatty acid that can help boost metabolism and aid in fat loss. It is metabolized quickly and instead of fat sticking to your belly, it gets burned off as energy. It also helps detoxify your body and balances your digestive tract.    

4. Fresh coconut won’t let constipation wreck your life

Constipation is the result of a diet low on fibre. But, if you eat coconut then you can take a chill pill because raw coconut will make sure you don’t ever suffer from such trouble. Do you know that 61% of coconut is all fibre? That’s why your gut health and bowel movement stays in check.

5. It will keep your skin and hair in good shape

If dry skin and frizzy hair are making your life miserable, give raw coconut a chance. The fat content in coconut nourishes your skin, keeping it hydrated and supple to ensure that dry skin doesn’t lead to the early appearance of wrinkles.

It has got some other benefits too,

- Supports immune system health: it is anti-viral, antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-parasite. ·       

- Provides a natural source of quick energy and enhances physical and athletic performance ·       

- Improves digestion and absorption of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals ·       

- Improves insulin secretion and symptoms associated with diabetes ·       

- Helps protect the body from cancers through insulin reduction and removal of free radicals that cause premature aging and degenerative disease ·       

- Reduces the risk of heart disease and improves good cholesterol (HDL).

- Restores and supports thyroid function.

- Helps protect against kidney disease and bladder infection.  

- Promotes weight loss.    

- It might reduce the chances of Alzheimer’s

- Helps keep hair and skin healthy and youthful-looking, prevents wrinkles, sagging skin, age spots.

Our delicious Coconut Karanji or also known as Olya Naralachi Karanji is made from grating good Quality Coconuts.

Get this delicious yet very healthy fresh coconut karanji by ordering online at -



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